Get to know our designer of the month for July!!!! Check out the fun freebie she is offering, too!
Name: Holley Williamson
Designer name: Holley Berry Designs
Where you sell your stuff: Scrapbook-Elements
Design Background
When and how did you start digital scrapbook designing? I started messing around in June 2008 by reading lots of tutorials and reading a book on how to use Photoshop
When and where do you design? I design in the afternoon during “nap time” also known as TV watching time for my kids and at night when they are in bed. I design in the family room.
What are your top 5 favorite designs?
Any scrapping tips and tricks? I like to keep my pictures organized by date/event, but when they get scrapped, they go into the Scrapped folder.
What has been your biggest challenge as a designer? Sometimes it’s hard to stop designing and juggle taking care of my family. I try really hard to stick to designing during my self-allotted design time, but sometimes when the creative juices aren’t flowing, I feel like I have to catch up.
What has been the biggest reward/most fulfilling part of being a designer? I love getting my pages printed with my own designs but also knowing that there are people out there that like my designs enough to pay for them—that’s the biggest compliment.
Personal stuff
Tell us a little about your family? How do they feel about you being a designer? I have a husband, daughter (7), and two sons (5 and 2). My husband is very supportive, and although he rolls his eyes when I ask him to come see something I just finished, he’s proud of what I do. My kids ask me why I like being on the computer so much, but they like the scrapbook pages I create, especially the ones with pictures of themselves!
What does your typical day look like? I work out, get a few chores done, get the kids ready to go somewhere in the morning (usually library/movie day for the summer/playgroup/pool day/shopping day), home for lunch, nap/TV/design time, spend time with kids, do some more chores, make dinner, spend time w/ husband and kids, husband gets the kids to bed and I’m back on the computer designing, listening to TV while my husband watches.
If you get a free moment, what are you most likely to do? I love to read
Where is your dream vacation? It’s hard to pick between Hawaii and Italy
Three things you love? Chocolate, singing, laughing at my funny husband
And since we are Scrapping Simply, what size pages do you usually print? Love my 12x12 prints
Holley, thank you for sharing with us and, as promised, here is a freebie she is offering just for our wonderful customers!!!!

(Image is Linked)
1 comment:
Thank you so much for the freebie!!
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